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Two words bring Tom Swift face to face with death and danger on the Moon--Corpus Callosum! Imprinted on a lone spacesuit abandoned in lunar orbit, the mysterious phrase signifies a grim discovery that may involve murder. But who is the victim? And who will be next? The startling mystery confronts the young inventor as he struggles with his newest projects. First comes the critical need of AgriColony Alpha, which seeks to prove the feasibility of lunar farming but is stymied by the inexplicable contamination of its source of water. But the greater scientific challenge is the launch of a probe to study the gravitational field of the solar system. The Caliper-1 mission, vital to science, can only succeed if Tom's accelapult can hurl it from the Moon at a fantastic speed--the speed of light! How can Tom succeed in his own mission when Corpus Callosum summons horror and a grotesque threat to Tom's existence and to all human life on Luna?