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A blood-soaked figure staggers out of the Shopton night with a message for Tom Swift-- a death foretold in the Middle Eastern country of Ugarta that only Tom can prevent! But crucial details of the mystery message will remain tragically lost unless the brilliant young inventor can perfect his newest fantastic accomplishment, a machine that can recover dead sounds from the past. Tom’s mission to the ancient land, riven by hate and intrigue, brings him up against a death-dealing faction and a secretive adversary named Pallida Mors, a woman whose identity remains veiled. In the background of the urgent task is a group of scholars who call themselves the Resurrectors, archaeologists investigating the primordial cult of the man-fish-god Oannes in his buried temple. How are the two related? And how will Tom and his pal Bud Barclay stave off their own sentence of death-- as a cruise missile on wheels zeroes-in on the two Americans, pursuing them on city streets that dead-end in the wall of a skyscraper?